Wisdom Warriors Samples

Day 2    __________   Read Proverbs 1:3-4 purposefully. What are the purposes of Solomon’s Proverbs?

1:3	To receive _______________ in wise ____________,	                                                                                                       .              ______________,   ____________, and equity;

1:4 To give ____________ (high quality interest in) to the naive (simple . ones),   . To the youth ______________ and ______________  . (which is the. power to judge. or decide. correctly).

WISDOM NOTE:  You are discovering the purpose of wisdom.  Wisdom is about making right (wise) decisions in life, for right now, and for the future.  Be careful in your decisions or choices;  your choices today affect your life in the future. Good questions to ask yourself are: How am I receiving the instructions and teachings that I am getting now?

Your reply: ____________________________     Am I using what I have learned in order to make the very best decisions for my life?   Your reply: ____________________________  

Wisdom Insight:  Every choice is a decision.

Wisdom Speaks:  Place a high value on every choice you make.  You will receive high valued results.

Wisdom Prayer:  Ask God to give you the right attitude to receive instruction in wise behavior.

Day 17 _________ Read Proverbs 1:23 with insight. What’s Wisdom’s special message for you?

1:23 Turn to my ___________ (criticism which leads to correction), . Behold, I _______ _________ out my __________ on you; . I ________ make my _______ known to you.

WISDOM NOTE: “Turn to my reproof,” means receiving criticism, discovering disapproval, or facing the blame.  Do you want criticism or disapproval?  Me neither!  But receiving it provides some lessons which help us become wise, which is the path you seek-- Wisdom!

[When we turn to Wisdom for reproof we learn correction, we change our attitude and actions, and become wiser than we are now.] 

. Only wise people learn from reproof.   We have already seen what fools do with the same information you have;  they refuse to hear or apply the information to themselves;  they refuse to learn. Thus, they never learn, never become wise, and stay “fools, scoffers, or naive” all their lives.  Keep LTR in your mind here.

Wisdom Insight:  When we accept reproof, we change our beliefs, attitudes, and actions.  That’s learning.  That’s Wisdom!

. When you accept reproof (even though you do not like it) something wonderful happens.  Wisdom moves into your life and pours out her spirit on you.  Thus you will have the spirit of Wisdom!

Say what?  Write that down!   . I will have the __________  ___  ____________!” The result?   Wisdom will make her words, knowledge, and ways known to you!  Why?  All because you accepted reproof.  WOW!!

Wisdom Prayer:  Let God know if you are willing to hear (listen to) reproof, criticism, or correction, and then correct any attitude or action in order to be a better person, a wise one.

Day 32   __________   Read Proverbs 2:5 for double knowledge. How do you address the Creator?

2:5 Then you will discern the fear of _______  __________,

And discover the knowledge of _________.

WISDOM SERIES:  Names of God   . Notice you recorded two different terms for our Creator:  the “LORD” and “God.”  These are two of His wonderful names.  Let’s explore these.  Back on Day 4 (Proverbs 1:7), we read that LORD (all capital letters) is our English way of writing God’s Hebrew name, Yahweh (Yahveh is the Latin version).  The Hebrews wrote His name with 4 Hebrew consonants (with no vowels)YHWH. In Hebrew poetry when God’s name is used and it seemed to require 3 syllables (instead of 2 syllables) to complete the rhythm (beats of the syllables), then His name might resemble “Yahowah.”  If the rhythm called for one beat, a shortened name is used for YHWH: “Yah.. The Hebrews did not pronounce God’s name out loud.  So, we really do not know how to pronounce it.  Has anyone ever called you by the wrong name, but you still answered?  In WISDOM WARRIORS we use these different terms to purposely honor, praise, and serve Him.   . Copy God’s personal name which He gave to Moses (this is God’s covenant name):

Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, “___   ____   ______  ___  ____”.   . This means “I am, I have been, & I will be!”  This translates the 4 consonants- YHWH (Yahweh), however, it’s pronounced.  Genesis 2:4b ...in the day that the ___________ God made heaven and . earth.  This is the first occurrence of YHWH in the Bible.   . The word for God is Elohim (pronounced el-o-heem).  . The first verse in the Bible uses Elohim for God.   Genesis 1:1:  “In the beginning, ________ created the heavens and the earth.”.

Elohim means God, Judge, Creator.

Elohim!  Oh... that’s how Proverbs 2:5 ends.

Wisdom Prayer:  Thank Elohim for revealing His name to us:  YHWH (“I AM WHO I AM”), LORD.  Praise His Holy name!  YHWH, Yahweh, Yahveh (Latin version), Yah, or Yahowah.

Day 57 __________   Read Proverbs 3:11 for a wrap up of discipline. What are the positive aspects of discipline?        

3:11 My son, do ______  _________ the _______________ of . the LORD,

WISDOM NOTE:  My gracious, this verse and the next one are crammed full of wisdom.  Not an enjoyable experience sometimes, but still extremely helpful for your own success in life.  

“Discipline!”  Sometimes that is not a pleasant word for us.  But, it has a lot deeper meaning than most of us realize.  Discipline is “training to act in step with rules”;  it is “an activity or exercise that develops or improves a skill” and may include “punishment applied for correction or training.”  

The positive areas of discipline are instruction, training, and activities or exercises designed to prepare a person for a specific role or purpose in life.  You are involved in a discipline right now -- with Wisdom Warriors!  Instruction, training, reading,& exercises, all for one purpose -- to obtain Wisdom for living.
List the positive concepts of discipline you have received just in this chapter:

3:1 Do not forget my ___________, keep my ______________; 3:3 Do not let _______________ and ______________ leave you; 3:5 _____________ in the LORD with _______ your ___________, 3:6 In _______ your ways _________________ Him. 3:7 Do not be wise in your own ___________; _____________ the . LORD and ___________  ____________ from evil. 3:9 ___________ the LORD from your  ___________ and from the . _________ of all your produce; 3:11 Do not reject the ___________ of the LORD nor loathe His reproof. 

All these instructions, activities, exercises, & training compose the discipline to help you be a Wisdom Warrior.  Verse 11 completes this amazing list with a powerful conclusion:  DO NOT REJECT THE DISCIPLINE OF YHWH.  Thus, you are to connect with, embrace, and make this discipline (activities, instructions, exercises, & training) a vital part of your life.

Wisdom Prayer:  Pray for right-thinking to stay on the bright path of Wisdom.  Thank God for His positive discipline in your life right now.

Day 101  __________   Read Psalm 119:11 for inspiration in memorizing.   What are the benefits of memorizing God’s Word?   119:11 Thy _________ I have _______________ in my __________,   That I may not ________ against Thee. 

WISDOM NOTE: When we treasure (value) something in our hearts it means it’s of high value in our lives.  Here’s the great value of knowing God’s Word and treasuring it in our hearts:  the indwelling Word of God prevents sin.  It’s highly important to know what God’s word says, means, and how to apply it in our lives.  One way (and there are others) of doing this is to memorize God’s Word.  

Memorization is a unique and practical way of controlling your mind, forcing or telling it what to think & dwell on.  Memorizing places control inside;  it exercises your brain, keeping you alert.  It trains your brain to put things in order & give priority to what you want.   

What you memorize takes up space that evil thinking cannot occupy.  Memorization means accomplishment;  it is a statement of success, of victory.  Memorization is helpful in hiding God’s Word in your heart (mind).  It is tremendously practical & powerful when you are resisting temptations from Satan.  Memorizing God’s Word places God’s truth inside-- your internal self.  You also receive wisdom, direction, and understanding on the spiritual level.  

Mental level results are organization, alertness, wise thinking, order, and priority.  The emotional results of completing a verse are joy & victory.  As you increase deposits in your Scripture Memory Bank you win again and again, more and more. Wow!

Psalm 119:16 I shall _____ in Thy statutes;  I shall not forget Thy _____.

119:105 Thy word is a _______ to my feet, and a _______ to my path.  

Wisdom Shares:  (This is a very old wise saying.)   The Bible will keep you from sin.               Sin will keep you from the Bible.   (Two big true statements.)

Wisdom Prayer:  On the back of this sheet compose your prayer concerning memorizing God’s Word.  Use wording from the above scriptures if you desire.

Day 207  __________   Read Exodus 34:1 & 4 to see the result of anger. Does anger cause you any problems?  

34:1 The LORD said to Moses, “______ out for yourself two _________  tablets like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words  that were on the former tablets which ________ shattered.”  

34:4 So he ______ out two ________ tablets like the former ones, and. Moses rose up __________ in the morning and went up to Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and he took two stone.   tablets in his __________.

WISDOM SERIES:  What is that in your hand? Isn’t this interesting?  Moses shattered the original tablets.  Now he is the one who has to replace them.  What’s in his hands now?  Stone cutting tools.  He has to cut stone to replace what he broke.  What an awkward situation.  

Fortunately, he gets a second chance.  But look what’s involved.  He had to spend time redoing something that was not supposed to have to be redone.  He had to work-- chip, chip, cut, chip, etc. Then he had to go back up the mountain for another session with Yahweh, and he had to go early in the morning.  

Wisdom Speaks: The misuse of his anger cost Moses extra time, energy, & work.  Self-control is highly important, especially when angry.  

Wisdom Asks:  What do you usually do when you suddenly become angry? 

Reply:  ______________________________________

Is your response socially acceptable?  _________

Do you need to work on it?  __________ 

Wisdom Prayer:  On the backside of Day 207 compose your own prayer as it relates to anger:  thanks for self-control, need for help, etc. 

MEMORY BANK:  Whisper Ps 1:1-2 to yourself.