Why & How We Got Started

(our history)

We were keeping some of our grandkids (3 boys) after school and into the summer.  At that time they were getting no spiritual training.  God gave us the idea to set up some kind of quick, daily study for them from God’s Word.  We decided to set up a study in Proverbs for them: 

  • to have a regular system of spiritual direction,

  • to gain some wisdom, and

  • to learn how to make wise choices. 


          I typed up a Question & Answer System for them based in Proverbs.  They read a group of scripture verses (1-4 verses).  Then I had a question or two typed out for them to answer.  They wrote the answers beside the questions.  The two oldest boys were about to finish third & fifth grades (the third one was still preschool).  I tried to direct the questions towards the 3rd & 5th grade levels. 

          I called it The Wisdom Project.  Here are a few examples from that initial approach: 

 Prov. 1:1-7

  • How does wisdom help (or guide) young boys or girls?

  • Describe the actions of a wise man/woman.

  • Do fools like wisdom?  Write the verse that proves your answer.

  • What is the purpose of Proverbs?

 Prov. 1:8-9

  • What is the end result of listening to the instruction of your father?

 Prov. 1:10-13

  • When someone wants you to do something bad, or evil, with them do you have to do do it or can you refuse to do so?

 Prov. 1:20-24   (NOTE: Wisdom is sometimes referred to as “She.”)

  • Describe the actions of fools (those who are not wise).  Are you able to recognize any of those people in your classrooms?

 Prov. 1:27, 31-32

  • What is the end result of fools (those who refuse wisdom)?       

          I began to realize that, with this approach, the boys were not getting all the information that was contained in these scriptures.  And they were not getting any: 

  • explanations from these verses,

  • illustrations for their lives,

  • applications for living these principles in their own lives. 

They were able to answer the questions, but they were missing out on a whole lot of insight or WISDOM in those verses.  So I went back to the drawing board and started all over. 

          By this time the older boys were in 4th & 6th grades.  So I aimed the whole concept at these grade levels.  Here’s how the Lord began giving us direction for this new approach. 

           Convinced that the boys still needed an interactive approach, I left spaces for filling in missing words in the verses, spaces for personal responses, and spaces for missing words in support scriptures (illustrations) which speak powerfully to people by providing additional evidence and wholeness.  They also needed explanations of concepts, to recognize principles in the scriptures, and the meanings of words (definitions), so we added “WISDOM NOTE” for this concept. 

          To move the boys toward personal and specific prayers I added  “Wisdom Prayer.”  This started out to be just a short specific prayer related to the scripture just studied, really just a sentence prayer.  [Later, I began to feel that was not giving prayer its full authority, so we enlarged the concept to pray for other people and personal requests.]    

           The first 25 daily studies are composed under the above concepts.  Somewhere around study #20 the Holy Spirit placed the idea of including youth (teenagers) in this project.  We had 3 more older grandkids that fit into this category, so we wanted to include them also. 

          So the writing style began to change a little so that the daily studies would also interest teenagers.  However,  the core concepts of involving Grade 4 & up were left in place.  We did not change any of the first 25 daily studies;  they are still the same and still directed for grades 4-6.  We don’t have any intentions of changing that.   

           As I came across some proven and powerful wisdom verses, it was apparent that “MEMORY VERSES” should be included in the project.

          When our two grown offspring saw what we were doing, they both became excited, declaring that we should publish these.  Then we involved 3 older grandkids —teenagers— and received the same response.  It confirmed what we had been thinking (but had not told anyone). 

           As writing times continued we added “Wisdom Insight” (an application concept).  We recalled a series of studies we had presented in the past entitled “What is that in your Hand” which began with Moses and included David & others.  This dealt with using what God has already put in our hands (talents, gifts, skills & materials).  Applying what one already has in his hands (possessions) is wisdom applied.  So there was a definite spot for this in the project.  As we ran across different names for God in the scriptures we were using, the Holy Spirit (again) directed our writing to include concepts of the character of God, which is revealed in His names.  Thus, the series “Names of God.”

           We used the concept of, and the words, “Wisdom Warriors” so many times in the daily studies that shortly the project name became just that, “Wisdom Warriors.”  Some where along the way we realized that these concepts are also important to adults;  however, we did not change our focus.  Not only are the daily studies great for dad’s & mom’s whose kids are going through Wisdom Warriors, but all adults need to know how to make wise choices.  There is plenty of God’s Wisdom to go around.  So, in the end, no one is left out.  There are great rewards for anyone who takes on this study.

           Then realization set in.  There is a whole lot more Wisdom in God’s Holy Word than we can look at in one year.  Thus, was born the concept of multiple years in studying Wisdom Warriors.  So, it has become this wonderful marathon of Wisdom, sort of a “University of Wisdom” or “University of Wise Choices.”          

           A banner day in this whole process was during a Christmas visit by our daughter & son-in-law from out of state.  I had been struggling for 3-4 months to set up a website.  I did not know which way to turn, who to enlist, nor know enough to compose a website myself.  Our son-in-law is an Information Technology guy.  During this visit in December, 2021, as we were discussing our circumstance, he eagerly led us through setting up the website.  God sent him at exactly the right time. 

           Here’s another specific incident.  This occurred in February, 2022. Our 11 year old grandson came in while I was working on Year 2 Wisdom Warriors daily studies.  He had never seen me actually typing & working a daily worksheet.  He questioned about it and I shared, “Yes, this is how I do each one of these.”  He responded with, “Pa you ought to sell those.”   

Another confirmation.  PTL. 

          So, there it is, our history.  Wisdom Warriors did not happen all at once;  it was developed over time.  Funny how God works in our lives, isn’t it?  He simply lead us into it at the beginning without any of us having any knowledge, nor any thought, that “The Wisdom Project” would ever have its own website, a different name, and reach many people beyond our own family.